解釈の自由と責任・感情自己責任論/Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory
Ⅰ 解釈する側の自由と責任 ※簡易版(-""-;) と Q&A
Ⅰ´ Freedom and responsibility of interpretation ※Easy version(°□°) with Q&As
Ⅱ 感情自己責任論 ※通常版(℃_°) と Q&A
Ⅱ´ Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory ※Normal version (^ェ^) with Q&As
Ⅰ´ Freedom and responsibility of interpretation
For example, when you see others' sentence on the Internet and get angry, most of you think "the cause of my anger is this sentence and the writer."
But in fact, a character currently displayed on the screen is a mere monochrome pattern and an aggregate of a dot design. Patterned shade and light and darkness were transmitted in space as visible light and only stimulate your retina.
Until the signal from the retina recollects your memory or fixed ideas within your brain and you recognize, a character is a mere sign or electrical signal on a nerve. You feel anger only after you translate and digest the meaning.
The sense of values and criteria of judgment differ for every individual so that a reaction and its degree also differ for each other. Therefore, there are people who don't feel anger at all by seeing the same sentences.
In short, the way of your interpretation decides the state of your mind. Your anger is not caused by existence or a state of the sentence, directly at least.
Many people do not have the consciousness "I chose the state of my mind.", because he has interpreted and judged reflectively, automatically, and unconsciously. Therefore, they tend to take a shortcut and consider that the cause of anger is a sender of the information.
But since the reader decides the interpretation and reaction to information, a writer does not have a cause of "the reader's reaction." It is wrong to blame a writer because anger arises as a result of a reader's interpretation.
「No, no, first of all, a writer also has a cause because anger does not arise unless a writer writes, does it?」
Whenever you think "I may get angry by reading more. I do not want to angry", you can turn away or shut your eyes or close the page at any time you like. That is, unless a reader reads, anger does not arise. (even if your eyes are opened compulsorily and read forcibly, your mind is according to your interpretation.)
Readers' intentions decide to interpret and continue reading. Therefore, a reader should submit to the result (anger) of his selection.
On the other hand, a writer has the cause of "disseminated information (giving the opportunity to read)", not "a reader's anger."
Reader's fixed ideas are also the cause the reader's thought "A writer has a cause 'cause my anger doesn't arise if he didn't write." Being attached to these fixed ideas is also a result of a reader's selection.
Since most of the people did not recognize that the true cause of anger, passing the buck around others is even a socially accepted idea, far from ancient times. But it is a great mistake in fact.
Even if someone recognizes, he does not know "what kind of fixed idea is the cause" or "how to change it", and not want to consider his ignorance and lack of effort or patience, many people choose the easier way and criticize others mutually.
「No, no, writers can usually predict what kind of interpretation and reaction others do, because we use a common language for comm. Therefore, a part of a reader's reaction has caused by a writer, doesn't it?」
Although the subject of "writing" and "predicting" is a writer, that of "interpreting" and "reacting" is a reader.
An interpretation and a reaction change with readers, so that a writer may be unable to predict it. (Readers may misunderstand against a writer's intention)
Because a definition of a word, a scope, reminded images, memory, and connotation, changes with everybody even if we use the common language.When there are 100 million persons who speak English, it can be said that there are 100 million kinds of English.
If a long time passes, the impression and interpretation will change which are received from the same book or movie film. It is because one's sense of values changed.
The above-mentioned sentence can be replaced like this "the reader can predict what kind of interpretation and reaction he does, because we use a common language for comm. Therefore, his reaction has caused by himself"
In this case, "reading" "predicting" "interpreting" "reacting" are done by the same subject ( doer, reader ). At any action, the doer is the subject and the cause, so that he has the responsibility in his act.
「No, no, when the writer had offended the reader intentionally, the writer caused a reader's anger, didn't it?」
Even if a writer tries to offend positively, a reader decides whether to align with it.
Only an utterance is not "using language." An interpretation is also equivalent to "using language."
Even if someone insults you by using contempt or discriminating word, it's you who select, decide and do how to react against it.
When a reader defines "This sentence is used when making a fool of or offending someone", that means that he believes "If there is an opportunity, I'm going to insult someone with these words" or "When making a fool of someone, it is right to use this expression".Therefore, he gets angry when someone uses it. (Antipathy against the similar by self-projection )
"You should not use such a word." --when you restrict others' freedom, you feel unfreedom (=anger).
This is, in other words, "Retribution", "The law of action-reaction", "Natural consequences of its own deed", "Its own fault", "Judge not, that ye be not judged", "The act done others comes to you on the contrary", "One good turn deserves another".
If you want to get freedom, you have to give others freedom. You will receive freedom at the moment of giving others freedom.
「No, no, if 99 persons got angry, the sentence caused 99 persons' anger, didn't it?」
Even if 8 billion people get angry, each individual's sense of values is the cause of each one's each anger.
「No, no, if there is freedom to express, responsibility arises, doesn't it?」
Of course, the responsibility is sometimes accompanied by freedom. However, as above-mentioned, about an expression thing, the freedom and the cause of "how to catch, interpret and react" are in the interpreter, and are not in the expresser. One will be irresponsible when he has no cause.
Though, an expresser's responsibility arises to "the disadvantage which himself suffers owing to the expression", for example, the collapse of credit from the others.Of course, the cause of the anger which brings, as a result, is in himself who feels it.
「No, no, there is also a child in the middle of growth among readers. It is harsh to force the responsibility for interpretative even on a child poor at English, isn't it? 」
Because it is so cruel, responsibility is not usually questioned. However, the fact remains that each person has their own reasons..
There is a ( mentally ) child in the middle of growth also in a writer. He is also poor at communication.
Even if a child recognizes a contempt word as a contempt word and receives displeasure, he has it coming.
Saying or not saying an insulting word is also freedom of speech. Word-hunting is not useful for the fundamental solution of problems.
Rather, it gives a good opportunity for children to teach "the freedom and responsibility of interpretation" to read the various text. If the experience is not given, his growth stops there. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Many parents have deprived the child of the opportunity in order to "protect our child", but to avoid their trouble in fact.
The parents who restrict from the beginning such as "because of bad influence", also think "our child is easy to be influenced" and "we don't know how to follow-up." It should be stopped because these thoughts make itself embody actually, "the child who is easy to be influenced", and "themselves who do not understand the way of following".
The parents who do not trust their child without studying ways of coping are no longer trusted by their child. A child is a parents' mirror.
「No, no, anyway, a sender should just consider so that neither misunderstanding nor displeasure may be given to a receiver, shouldn't it?」
The cause of misunderstanding or unpleasant is the reader who feels it, as described above. "Consider me" is not what thing except selfish because you choose misunderstanding and displeasure by yourself.
Always the one who doesn't want to know or believe the truth becomes unmanageable any longer so that he chooses the easier way and passes the buck around.
Surely, a certain amount of manners and etiquette do a social activity smoothly. But if passing the buck around is admitted, the reader stops reviewing "his way of an interpretation", and does not grow, just like a spoiled child.
Consideration (tenderness) is not always beneficial to people.
「No, no, then, for what purpose on earth are there manners, etiquette, a rule, and law (contempt, defamation)? 」
Manners and courtesy exist in order "to give a standard to those who waver in judgment without the ability to take the self-responsibility to feel, and to avoid an unnecessary argument." Therefore, a mentally immature person tends to make demands on others for a rule. Always the majority decides the law of the time for their own advantage.
「No, no, if emotions are one's own responsibility, then one can do whatever one wants, because no matter how much one hurts the feelings of others, one is innocent. That's a dangerous idea, isn't it?」
"One's own responsibility for emotions" and "harming others as much as one wants" are two different issues. The very idea of "if one is innocent, one can do whatever one wants" is dangerous.
The fact that one's emotions are the cause of one's own feelings is no excuse for others to do whatever they want. In the first place, people who are responsible for their own emotions will not intentionally hurt others.
「No, no, when it is investigated thoroughly since an interpretation is a buyer's self-responsibility, a seller can give any kind of information, isn't it?」
It has already become so. The conscientious seller has imposed self-control within the limits of the law, in order to avoid trouble or accept a customer's demand. The freedom of expression is fundamentally guaranteed by the constitution etc.
「No, no, then it is worse to be deceived by fraud, isn't it?」
In the case of fraud, a swindler is going to make misunderstanding positively (a falsehood is shown, inflaming fear, etc). Therefore, those who received mind control cannot judge with a free intention, without being under the swindler's thumb.(if he could, he does not think "I was deceived." )
Therefore, if you were deceived, those who tried to make you misunderstand positively have the cause and responsibility of your misunderstanding. The cause of an act is always in a doer. This is applied also to a molester and bullying, homicide, and so on.
「No, no, when you are blackmailed and money is taken, you who paid money are bad, aren't you?」
Since a free intention is restricted by fear in extortion, the victim of the blackmail does not have all cause of paying money.
On the other hand, a victim decides 100% that "to what kind of act the free intention was restricted". We must not forget that the fear is also an illusion/misunderstanding that arises from the irrationality and ignorance of the person who feels it
「No, no, when you ask to lend money ordinarily, it is responsible also for the borrower, isn't it?」
If one lent money spontaneously, gladly or forcibly, it is the self-responsibility of him. But if he paid with fear or insufficient information, it cannot be said "100% self-responsibility" because the free intention is restricted.(Restricted freedom is accompanied by restricted responsibility.)
「No, no, but it is free choice of the owner of the intention whether a free intention is restricted, isn't it?」
Restricted free intention is not a literal free intention any longer because it is restricted.
If there is an exception, it is a case when restricted personality is performed intentionally.
「No, no, it will be blackmailed, if one claims that he was blackmailed, even if he paid spontaneously, wouldn't it?」
It could be a lie, so we can not necessarily say that.Only the person knows whether the free intention was restricted really or how much it was restricted. So, we have to judge from the testimony of the concerned insiders, etc.
「No, no, if you said that, the crimes of fraudulent obstruction or intimidation of business would not be established, isn't it?」
The decision to suspend business was made by the party that was obstructed, so the cause was not on the party that obstructed it, but since they provided the opportunity and pretext, the crime is established under the law. The perpetrator is responsible for the threats and deception, and the victim is responsible for the discomfort and inconvenience they felt.
「No, no, the cause of displeasure is a writer when having given displeasure positively, isn't it?」
The cause of displeasure is in a reader because the sense of values of those who feel displeasure decides for what to feel displeasure. The cause of "the Action which may give displeasure" is in an assailant 100 %, but the cause of "Displeasure" is in a victim 100%. Those who mix both up do not discern the law of causality.
「No, no, then, there is no place of an interpreter's anger, is it?」
Cruelty often comes home to roost. Vengeance Is Mine. Since the cause of anger is in the person's own mind who feels anger, he himself should cope with it.
It is the primary cause of all inconsistencies (a quarrel, bullying and war and other arguments) to see the cause of anger to others.
However intolerant you may be, it is wrong to turn the overflowing anger to others. Only (mentally) young child is allowed its folly.
「No, no, then, the same thing can be said about not only a sentence but also the animations, pictures, TV programs or movies, cannot be?」
That's right. It can be said also about almost all acting in everyday life, actually. Not selecting is one of the selection. Be careful what you chose. Even if your beloved family is killed, the cause of your shock is your peaceful belief that "only my family can live safely forever."
「No, no, but only by that, the recipient of information does not know how to improve his sense of values, does he?」
Everybody should find it by themselves through their experience, and that's what the experience (feeling) is for.
Those who do not work hard do not grow. As a result, they continue getting angry with the same thing until they die.
「No, no, since his life belongs to him, it is good for him, isn't it?」
It is good if he is satisfied, but originally, his life does not belong only to him.
ここで言う固定観念とは、個々人が持つ固着観念、既成概念、主観、評価基準、先入観、世界観、見識、信条、思想、哲学、イデオロギー、主義主張、教義(ドグマ)、掟、美学、パラダイム、思考パターン、思考様式、 思い込み、自己スキーマ、予断、バイアス、偏見、マインドセット、迷信、レッテル貼り、規範、規定、規則、思考癖、命題、格言、教訓、方針、希望、期待など、無意識的にせよその人が「これは正しい」「かくあるべし」等と認めている価値観、定義付けのこと。
⇒ そもそも犯罪とは感情に自己責任が取れてない者が行う愚行であり、感情に自己責任が取れているなら迷惑行為に至ること自体がなくなるので寧ろ犯罪は減る。
⇒ もともとコミュニケーションが成り立つのは両者が主観を共有するからであって、各々が各々の主観に基づいて解釈している事は最初から変わりは無い。社会が成り立たなくなるのは、自分の解釈だけを正しいと盲信し他者に強要したりした時。
⇒ 全ての法律の存在目的は「トラブルの未然防止と社会の円滑な運営の為」。信号機と同じで己の選択に迷う人々にとっては行動基準となるが、侮辱せず又されても何とも思わない人にとっては最初から無用の長物。時代を経れば侮辱罪も次第に使われなくなり有名無実化し廃れることになる。成熟した社会で死刑が不要になるのと同じ。
⇒ 個人差は教育で埋めれば良くその為の教育。人類の精神性が高まれば、感情自己責任は至極当然の社会通念となる。
⇒ 人間と同じレベルの固定観念はないが、強いて人語に翻訳すれば「ここは俺の縄張りだ」「危険だ逃げろ」「もっと光を」「虫よ来い」などの彼らには彼らなりの観念があるとも言える。人間ほど豊かな感情表現をする術を持たないというだけ。
⇒ 感動の原因も感動した者自身の解釈の結果。表現者の才能と解釈者の理解能力との間に因果関係はない。「原因」と「原因の原因(遠因)」は異なる。
⇒ 権威主義的な「酸っぱい葡萄」。有史以来、世界中の賢者が異口同音に述べ伝えてきた常識でしかないので、今更正式な論文にする理由がない。最小限必要なリンク先は併記している。読む読まないは各読者の自由。
⇒ 往々にしてそれは「主張者の解釈した感情自己責任論」であって、上記されている「感情自己責任論」ではない。何であれ矛盾して見えるのはそれを主張する者が十分に対象を理解していないことが原因。イライラするのは今はまだ読む時期ではないということ。時間を置いて精神的に成熟してから読めば良い。
Ⅱ´ Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory
Emotions, worldly desires, the complaints or dissatisfaction, etc. are perfectly caused by the fixed ideas of the person who feels them. The stronger attaching to the fixed ideas, the stronger they become.
Here the fixed ideas are, in other words,the individual's clinging idea, self-schema, bias, stereotype, subjectivity, criterion, preconception, outlook on the world, discernment, creed, thought, philosophy, ideology, mindset,dogma,principles, prediction, prejudice, mindset, superstition, labeling, norms, rules, regulations, aesthetics, paradigm, pattern of thinking, conviction, habit of thought, proposition, maxim, instruction, hope, expectation, policy and the sense of values such as "This is correct" and "Thus, it should be", etc.,that he unconsciously admit in his mind.
Laughter, impression, astonishment and intention of animal (territorial imperative and survival instinct) are caused by the stereotype, too. But the corporal pleasure by feeding, sexual intercourse, etc. and the spinal reflex or physiological response are out of the questions because the fixed ideas (brain)don't act by them directly.
Everything has no meaning from the first. It is only occurred. The meaning and value are caused only after the definition given by each individual aspects and viewpoints of the person who saw them. Information in various forms are originally mere light and shade or the aerial vibration, etc. This sentence you are reading now are mere black and white patterns on a paper. You decipher it with a common key of English through a peculiar filter and the biased viewpoint that you have now, and judge the meaning.
It is completely a recipient's freedom how analyze and adopt information. The responsibility for the result belongs to the reciever, even if its views and opinions were given by someone or chosen knowingly with no "compulsion"
For instance, even if you remember how much resenting , it is a result of your interpretation with your criteria and standard to the last, so that the server of the information has no "cause and responsibility to your resentment"
"Compulsion" mentioned here is in a case that including an immediate, physical harm reaches the body . The violent language and the slander are not "Compulsion" at all, except for a big noise. Though a threatening letter , having fear is a selfish effect, and a consequence of reader's deeds.
In short, every person can not (on the net or the TV, etc.) accuse someone else for his feelings. The act of the persons who don't notice this "Fight" each other as the mirror mutually and showing contradiction . Even if you feel repulsion for someone, the cause is always not him but "Your stereotype and definition" . It doesn't make any excuse for bullying and its retaliation caused by sauciness and disgust, etc..
To begin with, what you see, what impression you hold, and how to feel it, are individual freedoms. If you give the limitation (For instance, when you press your idea) to someone, immediately you feel the inconvenience (irritation etc.)(If you judge, you are judged)
This is a mechanism of this world; "You receive what you gave" (Action-reaction as said by physics, or Karma as said by Buddhism).
Vice versa, even if you make someone angry or sorry ,there is no necessity that you feel regret and remorse, because his feelings are caused by his ideas and the basis of value of independence
Even if someone tries to make you feel the guilt and inferiority, there is entirely completely perfectly positively no necessity to afflict yourself with the self-dislike in any way because of the above-mentioned. (Of course, this is not a thing that you can make trouble or may not reflect, correct, improve it even if you fail. )
It should not be unexpressed even though the feelings are self-responsibility. Feelings are the way of expression oneself and the chance of inform oneself to others, so it should be expressed on the instance positively.
In fact, the person who suppress the feeling tends to explode it, and the person who doesn't want to have responsibility in his feelings wants to limit others freedom of expression.(not to get wound)
Though many of self-styled intellects are not conscious, "Criticizing" is the evidence that he has only halfway knowledge for the object (Ignorance of ignorance) . This is a reason why the criticism become only a temporary, superficial solutions, and it is concealed more and more. In fact, "Criticizing" makes the problem more difficult.
Not only feelings but also everything you experience in the life(external world) is the "Mirror" that projects "What kind of fixed ideas you have (internal world)". Therefore, an emotional criticism is an entire self-contradiction in any case.
For instance, the person who criticizes the criminal of cruel villainy, as like "It is unbelievable that there is such inconsiderate man" etc., does not considerate the criminal's standpoint sympathized.
Similarly, the hypocrite who wants to come into discriminated question has a deep-rooted discrimination mind . If it is compatible internally, contradiction cannot be seen outside.
The person experiences perfectly as same as the definition what he gave. If he defined "The life does not necessarily become real according to the desire" , exactly he experienced "the life doesn't necessarily become real according to the desire".
Therefore, when you meet the experience that you don't want to repeat, it's good to think "What kind of stereotypes show this experience?" "Are the stereotypes worth devoting?" If you change the fixed ideas that causes the experiences, you will never go through the similar experience again(if not, you must go through them again.)
Ideas occur ahead of experiences, including the idea "Experiences occur ahead of ideas". A present stereotype of the person always defines his past and his environment.
The ideas are made an embodiment in not only the individual but also the group and the society. The idea that the entire group is holding becomes reality and appears as an event that happens in the group. For instance, the poverty is the one that "Fear to hunger" that people have, and the crime actualize "Fear of the loss of the self-existence" .
Everything is done to be inevitable, and to happen and has happened. Coincidence, miracle, fate misfortune, contradiction, irrationality, unjustness, irrationality, etc. , are only the concept that is used as an excuse for the person who can't understand (explanation) the cause and effect and the necessity of the phenomenon and things
"Dark" doesn't exist similarly. It is only "the limit of the perception ability. " "Objectivity" doesn't exist similarly neither. It is only "the shared subjectivity"
As many head, as many truth. "The truth is only one" is mere one of the truths that exist infinitely. Therefore, every time everywhere, the person who persist in "Only one truth" experiences the contradiction as anger or fight.
Above all are the result of the arbitrary decision that concluded from the narrow view, the prejudice, and a mere personal subjectivity that was able to be known during a certain person's short lifetime. Anyway,you experience as you believe.
「If emotions are self-responsibility, no matter how anyone feel in trouble, it's his own choice and freedom and responsibility. This leads to allow the criminal.」
⇒ To begin with, the crime is a foolery of the person who does't take the self-responsibility.If he takes the responsibility, things wouldn't get to the point that bothers the others.
「If emotions are self-responsibility, why are there on earth honored harm and a contempt?」
⇒ The purpose of all laws and rules are "prevention of trouble and smooth social management".As like the traffic signal, it becomes a standard of behavior for people who cannot decide by themselves. From the beginning, it's deadwood for the people who think nothing of even if insulted and doesn't insult. It is the same as the capital punishment is unnecessary in a mature society.
「Communication works out because it takes the other's interpretation into consideration. The society doesn't consist only by one's interpretation. 」
⇒ Originally, communications work out because both share the subjectivity. The thing that of each interprets based on each subjectivity doesn't have the change from the beginning. It's when one believes in his own interpretation blindly and compelled it to others, that the society is confused.
「There is an individual variation in the maturity of the mental age. It is an idealistic theory that applies the feelings self-responsibility to everyone. 」
⇒ We should supplement the individual variation with the education and that's what education is for.If human race's spirit rises, the emotion self-responsibility becomes an extremely natural socially accepted idea.
「There is no stereotype in flora and fauna or in the inorganic substance and the mineral. 」
⇒ They don't have the same level of stereotypes as humans and they don't express in the word, but they have their fixed ideas such as "Here is my territory." "Enemy!!!" "More light" "Come here, insects". It's only that they don't have rich expression of feeling like man. They have the property that can be expressed by theidea such as "Let's unite into one." "Let's extend uniformly." "Let's make it to the same or stabilize energetically." It will seem that it becomes phenomena of universal gravitation and diffusion and the resonance, etc.
「For example, if you have a literary talent, you will impress many people. In this case, the cause of the excitement is the talent」
⇒ The cause of the impression was also the result of the person's own interpretation. There is no causal relationship between the expressive talent and the interpreter's comprehension ability. "Cause" and "Cause of cause (distant cause)" are different.
「Not in thesis format. Not peer reviewed. No citations or data available. So not worth reading」
⇒ Authoritarian "sour grapes". It is nothing more than common sense that sages all over the world have unanimously said and passed down since recorded history, so there is no reason to make it an official paper now. The minimum required links are also listed. Each reader is free to read or not.
「Emotion Self-Responsibility is inconsistency.」「I am irritated, when I read it.」
⇒ Frequently, it is not the "Emotions Self-Responsibility theory" currently described above, but "the Emotion Self-Responsibility theory which the assertor interpreted". Inconsistency is caused by ignorance. Being irritated means that it's premature for your reading. What is necessary is to read after taking time or matured mentally.
(under construction)